Sunday, August 10, 2008

She Had the Scoop and It Went in One Ear and Out the Other

A blurb. Write it down.

Moves to the back of my mind. Down to the bottom of the list.

Not so suddenly. A year. More than a year.

More than a blurb. A post. More than a mention.

Now I remember. I look at my list. It's still there.

What was once a side project. Now an album. Recorded material.

I slept on it. Slept on the EP.

Not with the full-length. Waiting for this. Jotting it down. I wasn't going to forget.

Always. I had been waiting for. Looking forward to. Three elements. Three participants. I thought. It was going to be the three.

In the end. Primarily one. The other two. Marginalized. To appearances. To featuring.

Forgotten surprises. Are better than the unexpected.

Neon Neon - Stainless Style. Best Buy. New.

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