Sunday, August 17, 2008

It Was a Good Time to Be a Plus One

She must have entered. Hundreds of times.

Her dedication. Impressive. Focused.

I entered once. Maybe twice.

And in her case. Maybe it wasn't hundreds.

Either way. She won.

Entry. To every show at The Khyber. For a full year.

We took advantage. So many shows.

A lot of great bands came through. During that year. Excellent booking at the time. Bands that interested me. Not necessarily her.

She took me anyway.

It was perfect timing for us. Many nights out. Many spent there.

I wouldn't know what to do with the pass today. I know very few of the bands that are on the calendar. Half of them. Three-quarters.

Maybe it is age. I don't think so.

The venue has fallen off. Disappointing.

More so. When I remember how many nights were spent there.

For shows. For DJ nights. For friends. For drinks. For fun.

The Ordinary Boys - Over the Counter Culture (Disc 1) (Disc 2). AKA Music. Bargain bin.

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