Sunday, July 6, 2008

Ruttin' On My Mayella

I always imagined him as a hulking figure.

Pale. Almost albino.

Thinning hair. Wispy. On the top of his head.

Long. White. Fingers.

The film did nothing to change that. The image provided. In my head. Continues to be the image. My image.

Not so for the other characters. Modified. By Hollywood. By the actors.

They are an amalgamation. Of my imagination. And Gregory Peck.

Not ruined. Only changed. Some slight. Some dramatic.

But not him. Not Boo.

He looks the same today. As he did then. The first read. Subsequent reads. Then going forward.

A mention of the name. Pulls forth that image. Mention the band. The same image. A look at an album. The image.

The hulking. Pale figure. Of my mind.

The Boo Radleys - Lazarus (Remixes Part II)
. AKA. Bargain bin.

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