Wednesday, June 18, 2008

They Had the Sub Pop Seal of Approval

They were referenced by a lot of bands. Bands I was listening to. At the time.

A lot of Sub Pop bands.

I ordered an album or two.

It didn't take me long to figure out. They were not my thing.

I was able to appreciate their influence. If not their sound.

For the next fifteen years. I held that belief. Held tight.

During that same period. My tastes matured. Still. I never gave them another chance.

Cathy mentioned buying an album.

I made my opinion clear. Unsolicited.

"I just can't get into them."

She ignored me. Usually the best option. She picked up an album.

The time had come to give them another shot. It didn't cost me anything.

Calvin Johnson's vocals. That is what I didn't like. What I still don't like.

Something I can get used to. Getting used to.

The music. Is great. Heather Lewis on lead vocals. Also great.

My curiosity. Reignited.

Beat Happening - You Turn Me On
. AKA. New. Cathy purchase.

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