Monday, June 16, 2008

There Must Be a Master List of Buzz Clips Somewhere

The first trip. London. Ireland.

The rest would come later. A year and a half.

They were popular. Very popular.

Listening to the radio. Bed and breakfast. Ireland.

I made sure to come home with their debut album.

I couldn't stop talking about them. No one bought the hype. My hype.

In my world. I thought they would be huge. Crack the market. The U.S. market.

They never did. Few do.

What is popular with my friends. Another friend. A friend. Or myself. Does not make that the case. For most people. For society.

No matter how great I think they might be.

At sixteen. That never crossed my mind.

It had become an alternative world. Even so. This rarely included the United Kingdom.

Talking. Talking. And talking. Apparently. Dana listened.

She told me she saw a video on MTV. A Buzz Clip.

Their buzz didn't last. Neither did mine.

I gave up on my friends. Never on the band.

Suede - The Drowners
. AKA. On sale. Japanese release.

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