Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Seven Years Can Feel So Long Ago and So Recent at the Same Time

The city was sealed off. Queens was out of the question.

Mobile phones were of little use. Spotty.

We ran into Laura. She lived downtown. There were few options. It seemed like the best.

Walking towards her apartment.

Hospital staff. Outside. Waiting for an influx that never came.

People eating lunch. Almost as if it wasn't happening.

Traders walking uptown. Covered in dust. A case of beer.

At Laura's. We watched television. The news. Non-stop news. Speculating. About that day. The days to come. Reaction. Response.

Little to no contact with our families.

The bridges. The tunnels. Reopened. The time had come for the long walk to Astoria.

She had borrowed Ágætis byrjun. I forgot to pick it up. That day.

Any other day. I might have remembered.

Sigur Rós - Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust. Target. New.

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