Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Downhill Since Mr. Joseph

Before Bamboo. Before The Piano Bar.

There was The Parkway.

Like all decent diners. It had a bar. One of my favorites.

It wasn't a great bar. It wasn't very nice. It didn't have a great selection.

It did have location. The end of the block.

Afternoon or evening. I would spend time there.

Bob would show up. Most days. Most nights. A local character.

Karaoke night. He'd be there. We'd be there. Moore was well represented.

Danzig. Oasis. James.

Bob encouraged fighting. On one occasion. He encouraged my brother.

He continues to wander the streets.

I continue to cross at corners. At lights. Jaywalking. Avoiding. Inevitable contact.

James - Laid. AKA Music. Bargain bin.


Jeremy said...

I love this CD. Been listening to it since its release. I only hope the millions who know and sing the Laid song have listened to the rest of the album.

Handsome Pete said...

I'm a huge fan of Whiplash as well.