Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Let's Be Clear

If the lyrics need to be explained somewhere in the release, the listener is in for a treat.

Explanation of the use of the word "fetus" in the lyrics for STAND BY:

Respect for innocent life must encompass all those who are unable to defend themselves, be it animals or unborn children, all must be given the same right to live free from enslavement, torture, and pain. To separate and give this right only to an animal in a vivisector's lab or a slaughterhouse and not to a growing fetus is inconsistent. As inconsistent as giving those rights to a human and not an animal. Respect for innocent life must be supreme.

In cases of incest or rape, obviously the mother should not have to expose herself to the further emotional trauma of carrying the child full term. However, we feel the view and use of abortion as a means of birth control is wrong.

This doesn't necessarily mean that we are in support of legislation banning abortion. We feel a more positive and realistic approach is education. Educating the kids who are having unprotected sex at younger ages every year. Teaching the older people to have more respect for each other and not treat each other like objects, and educating people so they don't get themselves in the position of having an unwanted pregnancy, the sometimes "unfortunate side-effect" of sex. We are in full support of complete sex education and free condom distribution in our schools. For us the solution is abstinence or monogamous relationships. This way in the event of an unplanned pregnancy the two parents could in the least support each other long enough to put the child up for adoption or hopefully raise the child themselves. For the fetus we will attack with a strategy of compassion, education and personal accountability.

Earth Crisis - All Out War. Punk Rock Flea Market. Used.

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