Sunday, December 14, 2008

"Velocity Girl" as a Generalization

There had been a rash of Velocity Girl pretenders within the hardcore scene.

Try to argue that they weren't part of the scene. One of the many sub-genres falling under the umbrella that was hardcore of the nineties.

Today, expressing an interest in many bands of the era often results in ridicule.

Denial after the fact. Running rampant.

At the time. Others were listening. Others were buying.

Proudly standing by some. Copper. Ashes. Endive. Samuel.

Ashamed of others. Beta Minus Mechanic. Baby Gopal.

Idle Hands - Treaty
. Generation Records. Used.


mcs said...

I kid you not, as I read your blog I was listening to Beta Minus Mechanic. I seriously love that band. I would rank them higher than Samuel and Copper (although not Ashes). But I never heard (or even heard of) this band before. I'm intrigued. Obviously they won't be as good as Beta Minus Mechanic, but thanks anyway!

Handsome Pete said...

Idle Hands is post-Copper. I love Copper. To the point of embarrassment.

I haven't heard Beta Minus Mechanic in years. I owned a few things. And Crossbearer as well (I think that was their name).

I think living in Syracuse around that time contributed to me getting sick of them (in addition to other bands).

It's been so long I'd probably get stoked on it. Like it or hate it, I'll still buy the disc if I came across it.

That's my nineties rule.

Anonymous said...

Dude, far as I'm concerned, you hit the proverbial nail on the head. Beta Minus Mechanic!? One would need something more akin to a miracle to have any hope of salvaging that wreck. And Baby Gopal? Winners for being the first "hardcore" band to have "baby tee" t-shirts featured at their merch table. Fucking things looked like bibs, which, now that I think about it, is strangely appropriate on account of their music reducing the listener to a drooling, crying mess. Ri-dic-u-lous.

Jeremy said...

A Google search led me back to your blog. Could you please re-post the Treat EP?

Handsome Pete said...

It should be up today.