Saturday, December 27, 2008

Pushing on Others as Genius

We'd drive around listening to music. Stopping occasionally at a seedy bar or two. Games of Golden Tee.

Most of our friends were away at school. I had transferred to Temple. Michael had not yet left for Seattle.

Most of the driving was soundtracked by Frank Zappa. Michael was obsessed with Frank Zappa. Continues to be obsessed with Frank Zappa.

I learned about his history. His various phases. His wit. His sarcasm. Doo-wop. Thing-Fish. His many albums. His "offensiveness."

I learned this was someone I could appreciate.

Before the listening parties my knowledge of Frank Zappa was limited to the PMRC, Dweezil and Moon Unit.

There was more too him.

It was different than what I usually listened to. Musically speaking. But the subject matter. the substance. The sentiment. It was right there.

Almost punk. Sarcastic and sardonic.

Around the same time I started to listening to Momus. This was unrelated to the Zappa car rides. However, it had everything to do with my new found love of Japanese pop and rock.

I made an effort to add Momus to the mix. I believed Momus and Zappa to be kindred spirits. Operating on the genius fringe of rock n roll.

Michael was receptive. Appreciative of the lyrical content. The music, not as much. He was a fan of traditional instrumentation. Guitars. Drums. Bass. Rather than Moogs. Casios. Computers.

Recently he's fallen in love with Kraftwerk. Perhaps the time has come for him to revisit Momus.

Momus - 20 Vodka Jellies. AKA Music. Bargain bin.


J-Man said...

Listen to the entire "Joe's Garage" cd. It is terrific. Who else but Zappa would come up with the phrase 'Mammalian Protuberances' to describe the effect of the cold water in the "Wet T-Shirt Nite" song. Also, how can you resist a song called "Catholic Girls" (with a tiny little mustache).

Handsome Pete said...

I really should pick up some Zappa in my shopping.

Anonymous said...

File is corrupt.

Handsome Pete said...

I just tested it. It downloaded and opened without any issues.