Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Ex Something or Other

Irving Plaza. The Bowery Ballroom. It was one or the other.

I was there to see Ian Brown. I had no idea what bands were opening.

Standing around I noticed a number of hardcore kids in attendance. True blue hardcore kids. Camo shorts. Hooded sweatshirts. Nikes. A stereotype for sure. But I can pick them out.

Granted the rest of the crowd were likely ex-hardcore or post-hardcore. Myself included. That seems to be the going theme at shows at the Brit end of things.

Not including the ex-pats of course.

I wasn't paying attention as the first band took to the stage. I still wasn't paying attention as the music started.

Until the singer opened his mouth.

"This sounds like Quicksand."

Now I was paying attention. I realized this must be a new "Walter band."

Rival Schools United By Fate.

Everything made sense.

Ian Brown - Remixes of the Spheres. Amazon.com. Used.


mmaattaazz said...

Please give life to this link! Thank you. Greetings from Mexico.

Handsome Pete said...

I will repost in a few minutes.