Monday, November 10, 2008

Of All the Bands to Show Up in the Game

Outside of a handful of friends. And myself. I didn't know anyone who showed more than a moderate interest in the band.

So it was surprising when I received the text from my brother.

I had just come out of the movies.


He wanted to know if I had any Kent. I told him I did.

Only yesterday I realized why. It was because of Guitar Hero.

It's great that video games now introduce somewhat forgotten bands to a wider audience. Wider than it would have been when the album was released.

There is potential there. For underrated and undersold catalogs. Renewed interest.

Kent - Hagnesta Hill. eBay. Used.


Stephen said...

Kent was definitely a "cult" band for that genre. Honestly, I only ever owned Isola, but I listened to it a fair amount when it came out. I didn't even know they were on Guitar Hero, but good for them.

Did you ever listen to My Vitriol? They had a really good song on an ok called "Always Your Way." I've always kinda put them in the same league of bands for some reason.

Handsome Pete said...

I think I have one track from My Vitriol on a Select compilation. I don't remember anything about it.

I'm putting up one of the Swedish language Kent releases in addition to Hagnesta and Isola.

I really need to track down additional albums and singles.