Sunday, November 16, 2008

Young Pico

During December, January, February and sometimes March we would head to Vermont.

Not every weekend. Two or three times each month.

Mike's family owned a house in Quechee.

It was near Okemo. Pico. Killington.

An agenda of skiing, drinking and hot tubbing.

The drive took us through upstate New York. Heading east from Syracuse.

Me. Mike. Ben. Adam. Jennie. Packed into Mike's Buick. The Thule rack filled with skis and snowboards.

Mike often dictated the soundtrack. As a result, I developed an appreciation for Speedwagon. Rush. Journey. Buffett.

And Steely Dan.

"Mike, I don't know anything by Steely Dan."

"You probably know every song on the greatest hits."

With the exception of a few tracks. I did.

Influenced by these trips, I began to trade Strife and Earth Crisis for Mellencamp and Moody Blues.

A foray into normalcy. My music tastes are better for it.

Steely Dan - A Decade of Steely Dan. eBay. Used.


colinmcsherry said...

i love steely dan. i'm suprised you never listened to them growing up. when i was really young i used to hang around the house with my mom listening to them. she used to do housework to this and other classic stuff. Police will be one of those bands too.

Handsome Pete said...

I did know The Dan were popular at your house.

I remember being at a party, going through the LPs. Admiring Aja.

Stephen said...

As a kid I always felt Steely Dan were something of a guilty pleasure. Then I figured out they were more complex and interesting than most of the stuff I liked and the guilt faded into a healthy love. Great band.

Handsome Pete said...

I felt the same thing in regards to Rush.