Thursday, November 6, 2008

My Discount Went Towards Ridiculous Items, Most Ill-Fitting

I needed a job. The Carousel Mall seemed like a good place to start.

The mall did not have an Abercrombie and Fitch. So a transfer from my summer store was out of the question.

At the time I was lukewarm on Banana Republic. I decided to apply to the Gap.

I was hired.

Training was fairly intense. A focus on customer service. The total opposite of my experience at Abercrombie. For better or for worse. Actually for worse. Working retail with little or no focus on the customer made for an excellent social environment.

All of that changed at the Gap.

Things were strict. My manager meant business. She was older than me. I was into her. Not seriously. More like a teenage crush.

Almost every dollar I earned went right back into the store. Clothing for me. For family. For friends. For Christmas.

Shortly after my start date there was a big event. The release of Gap Blue. The store's focus was on the fragrance. I don't remember anything about the scent. I do remember an impractical square bottle. That constantly fell apart.

And more importantly. I remember an in-store soundtrack of "blue" songs.

Including my personal favorite: "Bluuuuuuue Savannah song Ohohohhhh it's a bluuuuuue Savannah song..."

It was only my favorite. Reviled by the rest of the staff.

Erasure - Wild!
Princeton Record Exchange. Bargain rock.


Anonymous said...

Classic title here. Spanakorzo (?) show sometime around 97-98, Pete shows up in tight black pants and a tight white longsleeve shirt.

Not imitating the San Diego style, mind you, but rather shocking the Syracuse DIY crowd (and one youth crew wannabe = me).

Handsome Pete said...

One of many questionable outfits.

To this day I'm still not sure what I was going for.

Stephen said...

I love the stories and circumstances that go into your blog. They often seem totally unrelated to the post itself until I get to the end and it all adds up. Good work.

Handsome Pete said...

I appreciate that. Thank you.